Tárogató makers


During the 2nd World War the Schunda and Stowasser factories with the highest reputation were completely unnihilated. After 1945 hardly any new instruments were made.

Currently new tárogató-s are made by five individuals/ companies in Hungary, and there are two mouthpiece maker experts.

 Their references are:

 1. Béla Agócs 
98541 Savoly 145 (to be found 4 kms from Fülek, Slovakia)
Tel: 00421908429195, 00421917085403
E-mail: agocsalexander@vipmail.hu

2. Gábor Csehovics
3864 Fulókércs, Szebenye puszta 4 
Tel: 0036 46 470 108, 0036 30 376 0983
E-mail: tarogato88@freemail.hu

3. Pál Gregus 
6500 Baja, Mathiasz János út 23. 
Tel: 0036 79 325 668
E-mail: gregustarogato@gmail.com

4. Corpus Music Shop, Miklós Szabolcsi
1061 Budapest, Hegedű utca 1/B
Tel: 00361 266 6130, 0036 20 469 5435

5. József Tóth
2016 Leányfalu, Árvácska út 24.
Tel: 0036 30 687 9291

The Family Grúber have been  involved in repairing tárogató-s, making  mouthpieces for 3 generations onward.  Sr. Grúber, János was making them at the  Stowasser factory, his son Jr. Grúber, János  is the best known tárogató repairer and mouthpiece  maker, and the youngest Grúber, János works for  Rose shop of musical instruments.

János Grúber 
1158 Budapest, Adria út 21.
Tel: 00361 419 2672, 0036 70 227 3968
 E-mail: janosgruber44@gmail.com

Tárogató mouthpieces are also made
with a technology completely different from
traditional by Szunyi, Sándor.
Sándor Szunyi
 6133 Jászszentlászló, Alkotmány út 61.
Tel: 0036 20 939 7288
E-mail: szunyi50@gmail.com

At the national and international meetings makers place their latest “models” on show.
It is also possible to rehearse on them.

The beginning and the end result