4th World Congress of Tárogató Players information 


Venue of the meeting: Vaja, Vay Ádám Museum / Damjanich street 75 /
                                  Reformed church

Accommodation: 2 - 4 bed rooms  /with common shower on each floor /
 2 - 4 bed rooms  / 2 rooms with common shower / 

Venue: Baktalórántháza, Dormitory of the Agricultural Technical School (Mezőgazdasági Szakközépiskola kollégiuma) / Naményi street 7/
           The building can be found by the main road Nr. 41 after Baktalórántháza.
The rooms with shower are located in the town, in the building of the Secondary School.  / Vásár square 1/
The rooms can be occupied after 13h. /Payment and registration takes place in Vaja, in Vay Ádám Museum. /


Meals : Vaja, the Canteen of the Primary School.  

Travel: by car – via Nyíregyháza – or if you take the motorway then you don’t need to go through Nyíregyháza – in the direction to Vásárosnamény along the main road Nr 41, after the 34 km-sign post turn right towards Mátészalka. The first settlement is Vaja. Following the train-crossing turn immediately right, and the road will take you directly to Vay Ádám Museum.

By train – you have to take a train to Nyíregyháza first. There you have to change to a train from Nyíregyháza to Vásárosnamény, which has a stop in Vaja.
The distance between Nyíregyháza and Vaja is cca. 40kms, that the train will make in cca. 1 hour.
Trains start from Nyíregyháza to Vaja: 9.38, 11.38, 14.38, 16.38, 19.38, 22.45
The train schedules will change in mid June, so take care to check whether this has changed by mere chance. Guests will be met at the railway station in Vaja (bus).

Those travelling by train will also have an opportunity to travel to Vaja in a coach from there, which, on June 30, Wednesday starts at 13.00 from the railway station in Nyíregyháza from the carpark in front of the station, that stops over each accommodation address, and then at 14.30 and 15.00 goes on to Vaja. Those wishing to take advantege  of this opportunity should indicate it, by also giving the time of arrival to Nyíregyháza. The coach will be easy to identify by the logo of the international meeting.


Information map